What to know about conservatorships and Beach Boys' Brian Wilson's case

Views: | Time:2024-06-03 19:43:39

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A judge put Beach Boys founder Brian Wilson under a court conservatorship to oversee his personal and medical affairs after the legendary songwriter’s doctor reported that he has a major neurocognitive disorder.

The judge on Thursday appointed two longtime Wilson representatives, publicist Jean Sievers and manager LeeAnn Hard, as his conservators. There were no significant objections raised.

Wilson, 81, is the latest celebrity to be involved in a conservatorship case. Others include Amanda Bynes, the young actor who was placed under her parents’ control for nine years, and Casey Kasem, the radio and TV personality whose conservatorship became part of a fierce fight between his wife and adult children before his death in 2014. Music legend Joni Mitchell was put under a temporary conservatorship after a 2015 brain aneurysm, before she made a strong recovery.

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